CIIA - Certified International Investment Analyst - 13th Anniversary Assembly and Tech & Financial Cooperation Summit in China was successfully held on 15 December 2019 in the Banquet Hall on the 3rd floor of LVGEM HOTEL, Fu Tian District, Shenzhen, China.
The assembly was sponsored by China CIIA Family and Tian’An Financial Holdings (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., co-sponsored by Tian’An T+Space High-Tech Services (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., and got data support from and Choice Data Bank of Eastmoney.
More than 300 people attended the assembly, including the distinguished guest, Dr. Yasuhiro Maehara, Chairman of ACIIA (Association of Certified International Investment Analysts), Mr. He Chunming, the Current Chairman of China CIIA family, Mr. He Wen, Vice President of Tian’An Cyber Park Group, Mr. Liu Feng, Chief Economist of Galaxy Securities, and Mr. Chen Yugang, Professor at Sun Yat-sen University and M&A Expert, etc.
9 December 2019 – ACIIA announces a partnership with the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) in the mutual recognition that current Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA®) designation holders meet a portion of the Professional Risk Manager (PRM™) Designation requirements.
The exemption program agreed upon between ACIIA and PRMIA includes recognition by PRMIA that current CIIA designation holders meet the knowledge requirements of the 2019 PRM Exam Program, Exam 1 – Financial Foundations.
Individuals who are current CIIA designation holders may seek an exemption for the 2019 PRM Exam 1 by submitting an application to the 2019 PRM program and providing evidence of being a current CIIA designation holder. These applicants are still required to pass the 2019 PRM Exam 2, as well as meet the experience and membership requirements of the PRM Designation program.
On 26 June 2019 the ACIIA Council Meeting/Annual General Meeting was held in Madrid, Spain thanks to the kind hospitality of the Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros (IEAF). Major topics discussed at the meeting were:
We are glad to welcome the National Association of Certified Analysts (NACA), a- non-profit professional association in Russia as a new member of the ACIIA. Its objectives are to promote the professional competence of its members, introduce the global ethical principles of the professional conduct for its members, foster the business and professional culture as well as a cross-cultural interaction of analysts, and develop national practices and standards for investment professionals in line with those in the world.
Since January 2019, NACA has been developing the CIIA qualification in Russian market. It plans to start the CIIA exams in September 2019.
You can download here a document with further information on NACA