2021 CIIA Online Summit in China “Global Economic and Financial Situation”
On 6 March 2021, the 2021 CIIA Summit “Global Economic and Financial Situation” was held online. The event was hosted by the CIIA Family in China and the Gold Analyst Alliance (GA), and it was greatly supported by SAAJ, an ACIIA member society in Japan. A large audience of nearly 500 joined the online meeting (including the afternoon and evening sessions).
- Dr. Maehara’s presentation video “Some Thought on Financial System – A Tale of Two Swans” is available to view here.
The meeting organizer invited several distinguished guest speakers to share their excellent topics on the global economic situation in 2021: Dr. Yasuhiro Maehara, Chairman of the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (ACIIA); Dr. Yixiang Lin, Chairman and General Manager of Tianxiang Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.; Mr. Zuwu Lei, CIIA, Chief Advisor and Participant of a large China security company; Mr. Heng Jun Lu, CIIA, Vice Chairman of CIIA Family Council; and Mr. Chunming He, CIIA, Chairman of CIIA Family Council.
At the beginning (14:00 Beijing Time), Dr. Peter Su, the representative of Hong Kong CIIA certificate holders and GA, made an opening speech introducing the CIIA Family in China and GA Group. Dr. Maehara gave a presentation on the topic of “Some thought on Financial System - A Tale of Two Swans”, explaining his thought on how the COVID-19 had affected the global financial system as a Black Swan and how the climate change could pose serious and complex financial risks as a Green Swan (climate Black Swan).
Dr. Lin shared the topic of “The Thought and Theoretical Basis of the Current Macroeconomic Policy”, explaining how the macroeconomic policy and monetary policy would change in the future.
Mr. Lei shared his opinions on the investment opportunities in different areas in China in the year 2021. Mr. Lu focused on “Prospects of Hong Kong Stock Investment”, sharing his analysis on the changes in securities market in Hong Kong and how investors in mainland China invest in Hong Kong market. Lastly, Mr. He shared “The New Trend of Wealth Management”.
At 18:00 the meeting was successfully closed for the global part and the evening part began at 19:00. It was mainly to share the topics provided by financial institutions including the analysis of general investment environment and specific industries. At 22:00 the whole program was successfully completed.
CIIA Family in China believes that under the leadership of ACIIA and Securities Association of China, and through the great efforts of CIIA certificate holders, the influence of CIIA certificate holders will grow further.