ACIIA Council agrees to make the CIIA programme more widely available in countries/regions without a member association

The ACIIA held its online Council Meeting / Extraordinary General Meeting on 3 December 2020.

At the meeting, the Council Members discussed the ACIIA mid-term strategies, especially an e-learning system which makes the CIIA programme more widely available for individuals based in a country/region without a member association by introducing an e-learning platform for a package of lecture videos and other materials. They also discussed different ways to offer the CIIA exams such as computer-based testing.  These are seen as being crucial to strengthen the CIIA programme and to increase the number of CIIA charter holders in the with/post pandemic world.

It was reported to the Council that the newly designed ACIIA website will shortly be released.

The next Council Meeting is scheduled in June 2021.




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